Una mia amica mi chiede di scrivere qualcosa di personale e smetterla di infilare solo citazioni ovunque: personalmente ho sempre pensato che citare qualcuno sia un escamotage o una semplice delega a chi ha già saputo (anche perchè ormai non c'è piu' molto da dire che non sia già stato scritto) esprimere decisamente meglio i propri pensieri..
Ad ogni modo, vinco questa mia tenace resistenza pur sapendo che tutto ciò è sicuramente troppo effimero per essere qualcosa d'importante: come se per forza si debba scrivere o dire qualcosa solo per fare sensazionalismo o far vedere che si è presenti; alla fine me ne strafrego di tutto ciò, inteso come concetto di blog, delle persone che avranno il piacere (chissà quale) di leggere o non leggeranno quasiasi riga che esca dalla mia testa.
In fondo non ho nulla da dire, o meglio nulla di nuovo ed è per questo che dopo queste poche frasi di miei inutili e alquanto scontati e superficiali concetti, trascrivo il testo di questa canzone di jeff buckley già citata da Fabio Volo in uno dei suoi libri come una tra le 10 canzoni definitive da salvare.
Io non ho mai provato a fare una lista del genere, ma forse questa ci entrerebbe, credo.
This is our last goodbye
I hate to feel the love between us die
But it's over
Just hear this and then i'll go
You gave me more to live for
More than you'll ever know
This is our last embrace
Must I dream and always see your face
Why can't we overcome this wall
Well, maybe it's just because i didn't know you at all
Kiss me, please kiss me
But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation
You know it makes me so angry 'cause i know that in time
I'll only make you cry, this is our last goodbye
Did you say "no, this can't happen to me,"
And did you rush to the phone to call
Was there a voice unkind in the back of your mind
Saying maybe you didn't know him at all
You didn't know him at all, oh, you didn't know
Well, the bells out in the church tower chime
Burning clues into this heart of mine
Thinking so hard on her soft eyes and the memories
Offer signs that it's over... it's over
I hate to feel the love between us die
But it's over
Just hear this and then i'll go
You gave me more to live for
More than you'll ever know
This is our last embrace
Must I dream and always see your face
Why can't we overcome this wall
Well, maybe it's just because i didn't know you at all
Kiss me, please kiss me
But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation
You know it makes me so angry 'cause i know that in time
I'll only make you cry, this is our last goodbye
Did you say "no, this can't happen to me,"
And did you rush to the phone to call
Was there a voice unkind in the back of your mind
Saying maybe you didn't know him at all
You didn't know him at all, oh, you didn't know
Well, the bells out in the church tower chime
Burning clues into this heart of mine
Thinking so hard on her soft eyes and the memories
Offer signs that it's over... it's over
(Jeff Buckey - Grace)